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Yantra-ji is a facilitator of true self inquiry, a senior practitioner of The Journey Method, a teacher of The Enneagram, and creator of The Myth of Fixation Discovering True Freedom Enneagram retreat, a Therapist, Artist, Illustrator, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker and Author
Founder of Living Alignment, an in-person and online centre for Living a Truth filled and Aligned life - has been created as an embrace of support for this direct discovery into the truth of who we are.
Direct discovery, insight and transformation occur through the offerings of Satsang Meetings, Self-Inquiry, Meditation, Journey Therapy, Christian Scripture, and the Enneagram – facilitated both in-person and online through Individual and Group Meetings, Gatherings, Retreats, Individual Consultations, and Therapy sessions
Having worked in health and wellness, alternative education, self development and supporting self realisation for over 30 years, Yantra-ji began offering formal Satsang meetings in 2002. Previously based on Sydney's Northern Beaches, relocating to Glenning Valley with her family in 2015, just over an hour north of Sydney on the beautiful Central Coast.
Yantra-ji’s life is an offering of service and support for awakening presence in all. Through her gentle nature, fierce commitment and love of truth, there is a pointing to the direct recognition of who you are – the true Self.
When something is going on, a good friend may say to us ‘come take a walk with me’ - asking us silently to leave our problems and come outside, to just take a walk, don’t think, don’t look back, just be here and now.
I have always been on fire for the presence of God, as a child acutely aware of this unseen presence. As a teen deeply drawn to Christianity, put off by not understanding the image of Jesus with the bleeding heart at the front of our classrooms and then totally disillusioned by what I saw as the hypocrisy of the church. I was still drawn to Christianity through my family and also sought out God or this unseen presence everywhere - in art, in music, and eastern-traditions, Hindu, Buddhist, metaphysics, alternative healing, yoga and meditation.
When I was introduced to anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, in my 20’s, a stronger relationship with Christianity was brought back to mingle with this eastern spirituality. Again rather than Jesus, it was the mantle of mother Mary that was strongly present as we celebrated the deeper meaning of Christian festivals, Easter, Advent and Christmas.
At the same time, when a silent wise Indian sage showed up in my mediations touching me with his Silent grace, I didn’t question it or him and was to find later it was Sri Ramana Maharishi.
I also didn’t question into my 30’s and 40’s when Osho would appear with his powerful clarity or when Papaji appeared filling me with his roaring love, along with Ramana’s endless silence.
So what to do when I reached my 50’s and experience Jesus reach out his hand and say gently ‘come, walk with me ‘? - a surprise yes, but again there is no need to question the way this grace of God appears, supports and guides, I just simply say ‘yes’.
It is both powerful and humbling to be touched in this way, as the tears of love and grace flow down my face.
As Jesus reaches out his hand like a good friend and says ‘come, walk with me’, there is no need to turn and look back, there is no need to reject anything that was or is, there is just a simple silent invitation to walk in this love and let this love lead - nothing else changes.
I am filled with Ramana’s silence, with Papaji’s roaring love and by Jesus’s healing grace, as I continue to let God lead, love lead, grace lead.
I find I am called to be a bridge - to those on a spirit filled path, and to those who have misunderstood the profound teachings of scripture - there is this simple and true invitation - to walk with me
Yes, is all I can say - will you join me?
Originally born in England, immigrating to Australia as a young child, I grew up in Sydney. Through my early 20’s I searched for a deeper spiritual connection in life, working with health, wellness, self-development, many spiritual practices, the creative arts and Rudolf Steiner education.
A deeper realisation occurred through meeting several spiritual teachers, which opened me to the possibility of This Grace that is always here. A profound awakening came from the introduction to Sri H.W.L. Poonja, affectionately known as Papaji. His simple message, to Stop, to call off the search, you are already free here now, mirrored in the Christian scriptures, had a profound effect on my life. My commitment is to support you in the realisation of the truth of who you are, this truth is always here, always available, at every moment.
"The power of Yantra’s offerings have been transformational in my life. Yantra’s pointings come from her unwavering devotion to the truth of what we are, which has allowed deep patterns and conditioning in me to unravel, patterns that psychology alone could not touch.
There is a transmission of fierce love permeating each session or Satsang, I always leave with a feeling of simplicity and deep presence.
It is beautiful to watch Yantra work with others, how she holds the human predicament in such love, while ruthlessly pointing to what we truly are. Everything feels welcome, even the stickiest parts come to unravel in her gentle stillness. I feel deep gratitude for the love that
Yantra embodies and the space that she holds, it has been a true gift in my life." ⁃ A.S
"I’ve been a part of Yantra’s satsangs for over 6 years now and have also had several private consultations with her. I’m constantly learning, growing and benefiting thanks to Yantra’s wisdom and unique approach of exploring the freedom within our human condition in a gentle yet relentlessly truthful way. I’ve worked with many teachers but I’ve never met one with the ability to support clarity in even the most complex of life challenges to a moment by moment choice the way Yantra can. I highly recommend her satsangs and private consultations". ~ K. Reid
“Yantra-ji, holds meetings-in-truth, known as Satsangs, or Open Meetings, Journey Therapy and Individual Consultations. Her deep calling is to assist women and men to fully realise the truth of their being, which is the conscious presence of love. Usually what is in the way are emotional events that we hang on to, or mistaken beliefs and misperception. Yantra-ji’s clarity of consciousness enables her to see what is truly going on, and show the way out, no matter how seemingly complicated. She demonstrates what it is like to perceive and speak from a state of wholeness, and can enlighten us, if we are willing, by showing us how we cause pain for ourselves when we see, hear or fight from a sense of separation. Yantra-ji is gentle but firm. The meetings are imbued with the transformative energy of profound compassion and truth.” ~ P. Paterson
“Yantra has a wonderful depth to her expression of truth, which always arises out of no-separation. Although her main focus is awareness, she can unravel any knotty spiritual or temporal problem in her signature gentle and perceptive way. It truly is a delight to be with someone who lives the love and truth they are.”~ P.P
"Such beautiful rich and deeply nourishing satsangs with Yantra.
I'm so grateful that you are in my life and share so much. You are such a blessing. My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude." ~ M. Martin
To Live a Life of Freedom Love and Joy
it is possible to discover the simplicity of the truth,
that we are whole and free, here and now.
Whatever is offered, there is always an opening into this profound presence of stillness, living and resting as this in every moment.
May we all know the truth of our self as the One Self, opening and deepening into this profound presence of stillness – living and
resting as this that is God's divine grace in every moment.
A facilitator of holding Sacred Space Yantra-ji offers
Physical, Emotional, Health, Wellness,
Spiritual and Life Purpose Support through :
"To say I am blessed is an understatement of the power of grace at work in our lives - and so grateful to work alongside others who share their hearts and this work."
** Please do book a free introductory call to explore how The Journey Method may be of support for you **
Learn more about The Journey Method by reading your own
free downloadable copy of The Journey Method e-book
see 'A gift for you' below
Or contact Yantra-ji to discuss your individual needs
and to book a Journey Method session
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Take your time, enjoy looking around - there are free resources, videos to watch, weekly online meetings to join, individual consultations, retreats to participate in and new releases in the online book store
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If you have an inquiry or burning question, do send me a message via the contact page and if we haven’t yet met I encourage you to book a free call to meet with me - I'm here in support of your direct discovery of True Freedom - all love Yantra-ji
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